Frudia is the result of 30 years of dedicated research by Frudia Research Lab looking for a better way to treat your skin. Plants and fruits provide a rich repository of nutrients and antioxidants that naturally protect and beautify. Frudia captures these nutrients into a product that similarly protects your skin and gives a natural glow.

R VITA W TM Technology
For years the common base skincare products has been water.
Frudia instead uses a 100% fruit base – gained through the R VITA WTM method – to deliver a softer moisturizing and stronger antioxidant results.

What is the R VITA WTM method?
This method involves extraction of raw material, without loss of active ingredients, by compressing the entire fruit without heat. This method maintains every drop of the fruit’s nutrition and vitamins for longer – delivering fruit-derived vibrancy, fragrance and texture to supplement your skin.

What is the R VITA WTM method?
Feel happy knowing Frudia’s products have been through rigorous research and testing processes to ensure the most natural and effective results are produced from the fruit to your skin.

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