Hair Masks
Sometimes it feels like no matter what you do, the hair is just sad and lifeless. This could mean that a hair mask is missing from your hair care routine. Choose one that matches your hair's needs and squeeze it in between shampoo and conditioner. Voilà! New life! (If you need help choosing, click “Ask a Question” under the product you are considering.)
823 products
823 products
Alterna (2)American Dream (2)Amika (7)ANSWR (2)
Show allEco (120)Woman (809)Man (157)News (38)Paraben free (305)Perfume free (38)Silicone free (187)Sulfate free (269)UV (34)Vegan (339)
Show allMulti pack (45)Gift box (6)Shampoo & Conditioner (28)Standard (693)Big pack (14)Travel Size (25)
Big Pack (4)BIG PACK (8)Standard (3)STANDARD (9)
10 - 24 ml (2)25 - 49 ml (20)50 - 99 ml (59)100 - 299 ml (455)300 - 599 ml (120)600 - 1000 ml (20)
Aging (3)Bleached (38)Colored (62)Fat (8)Gray (6)
Show allNormal (2)Dry (2)
Leaping Bunny (8)PETA Cruelty Free (3)PETA Cruelty Free And Vegan (5)Vegan Society (5)
Green (1)Dark (1)Pink (2)Black (2)Transparent (5)White (4)
7SECONDS (1)Absolut Repair (2)Absolut Repair Molecular (2)Acidic Bonding Concentrate (2)Acidic Color Gloss (2)
Show allActive (3)Bio Argan (2)Bleach Blondes (3)Boost My Hair (1)Color Brilliance (7)
Show allUnder 5 € (15)5 - 9 € (117)10 - 19 € (195)20 - 29 € (198)30 - 39 € (85)40 - 49 € (70)50 - 74 € (85)75 - 99 € (25)Over 100 € (33)
Schnellerer Versand aus Berlin. (89)