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    DavinesMore InsideThis is a Strong Hair Spray 400 ml

    14 reviews, 5 on average
    349 kr
    Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately

    Hard-hitting hairspray for flexible styles and a long-lasting look packed with volume and texture. This spray goes on like a fine, invisible mist, delivering a flawless finish that feels anything but stiff, sticky, or crunchy. It shields your locks from high humidity, dries quickly, and brushes out effortlessly.

    For styling, spray over your hair from about 30 cm away, then comb through for that perfect finish. You can also spray directly onto areas you want to define. Apply between 2-4 g depending on your hair's density, length, and the effect you’re going for.

    400 ml

    Often bought together

    518 kr
    740 kr
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