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    Mom's Bath RecipeLHA Vitam Glow Peeling Pad

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    28 kr
    Ord. price 35 kr20
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    2 pcs45 pcs

    Mild oil-in-pad that keeps the skin radiant for 24 hours with sea buckthorn oil,
    boasting a high level of vitamin C. Simultaneous exfoliation, moisturizing and texturizing with just one pad.

    1. Gently rub with the pad along the skin where you feel dry.
    2. Tap lightly with your hands for absorption.
    3. Apply the remaining oil to your hair and use it as hair essence.

    Use it as a perfume with a luxurios soapy scent as like you just took a shower. Use the embossing pad to tap the elbow, knee, where you need glowing effect.

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