Latest reviews

  • Above Expectations

    Dénuée OTC 6.65 Dark Blonde Chestnut Mahogany

    I wanted to refresh my tired hair color and I'm tired of just using color bombs, so I tried this and yes, I'm satisfied! Perfect brown with hints of red, just how I want it. Plus, it lasts for two applications, no nasty smell, easy to apply, and nice shine! In the picture, I have no oil or anything like that, just blow-dried.

    Sofie1 week

  • Surprisingly good for darkening bleached hair!

    Dénuée OTC 8.36 Light Blonde Golden Brown

    I was recommended 8.36 Light Blonde Golden Brown in the hair color test after I wanted a shade that was closer to my roots. This to be able to stop bleaching and let my own hair heal and grow out. It is very damaged after all the bleaching! I should have let it sit for 30 minutes but rinsed out after 20. Applied on dry hair. But all in all, easy to use, didn’t smell strong and gave a nice shade, without green tones which is a risk when applying a light brown tone on light blonde hair. I’m really satisfied, saved a lot of money by not having to do this at the salon! 🥰😍🤭

    Nicole3 weeks

  • Red in tone

    Dénuée OTC 6.60 Dark Blonde Chestnut Nature

    Did a hair color test on Lyko and got this as advice, thought it was too red in tone for me who just wants brown tones.

    Matilda1 month

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