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    OtricareSaltvatten-nässpray Barn 50 ml

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    69 kr*
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    OtriCare Saltwater for Kids is a natural nasal spray for babies and children, featuring isotonic saltwater that gently cleanses and rinses the nose. OtriCare saltwater can be used daily to flush out the nose or to ease nasal discomfort caused by allergies and colds. This nasal spray is a preservative-free, natural alternative that works perfectly for daily nasal hygiene and can also be combined with medications for colds and allergies. OtriCare for Kids is safe for children and babies over 2 weeks old, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    How to Use:
    1. Blow your nose if needed.
    2. Wash your hands thoroughly before & after using the product.
    3. Remove the protective cap from the spray.
    4. If the spray hasn’t been used for a while, spray once into the air before use.
    5. Rinse the spray nozzle under running water and dry if it’s blocked.
    6.*For children who can’t use the product themselves: Lay the child on their back with their head turned to one side, allowing the liquid to flow out more easily. *For children & adults who can use the product themselves: Lean forward over a sink and tilt your head to one side, keeping it as horizontal as possible.

    50 ml
    • Category:Other
    • Article number:

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