This Works

Understanding the body clock

Our skin is constantly exposed to external aggressors. It must endure a barrage of stress, pollution, UV and blue light, toxin build-up, lack of sleep and poor diet 24/7. In order to cope, it has a built-in system controlled by our internal body clock (or circadian rhythm), designed to repair and protect itself.

Proven to work

We've been investing in the science of sleep since 2004. Our award-winning, natural sleep solutions have been through six independent user trials with over 900 participants, as well as clinical and fMRI brain-imaging studies, so you can be confident This Works is more than our name: it's our promise.

Naturally different

At the heart of each product is a Superblend; a three-element ingredient system made up of naturally derived and scientifically proven ingredients at therapeutic levels. These ingredients are expertly blended to create clean, targeted skincare with integrity that delivers. We put in what we need and leave out what we don’t.

Latest reviews

  • Love

    Deep Sleep Pillow Spray 75 ml

    No idea if it actually works or if it's placebo, but it has become a routine and I love it. Smells relatively "strong" but settles quickly and feels very calming.

    Dannedeluxe2 months

  • Quick results

    Perfect Legs Skin Miracle 120 ml

    Formula is tinted from the start so you can easily see if you missed a spot. Bit hard to apply since the lotion doesnt spread out that easily

    Nadja10 months

31 products
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