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    VitabalansSkin BeautyBiotin Collagen 120 pcs

    5 reviews, 4.8 on average
    349 kr
    Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately

    Biotin Collagen Skin Beauty containts nutrients for normal collagen production.
    The effect of collagen is supplemented by hyaluronic acid, vitamins and zinc. Hyaluronic acid binds water in the skin. Biotin and zinc helps maintain normal skin. Vitamin C promotes collagen production.
    Biotin Collagen Skin Beauty is free from lactose, sugar and gluten.

    Daily dose (3 tablets) contains:
    Collagen 2500 mg
    Hyaluronic acid 120 mg
    Biotin 120 µg
    Zinc 5 mg
    Vitamin C 60 mg

    Important information
    Free from gluten, lactose and sugar. Contains no milk, soy, sweeteners or colorants.

    3 tablets daily, swallowed with water.

    120 tablets

    120 st
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