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    499 kr
    Without bundle: 796 kr
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    Waterclouds- Relive Kit! The giftset includes: Beauty bag , Relive Shampoo, Relive Conditioner, Black Brush vent 22. Give your hair and scalp ultimate care with our exclusive Relieve Kit – a lovely gift set that includes Relieve Shampoo 250ml, Relieve Conditioner 200ml, Blackbrush Vent, and our beautiful Waterclouds toiletry bag. These products are specially formulated to gently cleanse your hair and scalp while preventing and combating dandruff and other scalp issues.

    The shampoo is sulfate-free and enriched with Seascalp complex and Xpertmoist to provide a clean and moisturized result without dandruff and scalp problems.

    The conditioner is moisturizing and enriched with Seascalp complex and Xpertmoist, which soothe and balance your hair and scalp. It also combats dry hair and scalp, resulting in moisturized, soft, and shiny hair.

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