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    Wella ProfessionalsInvigoScalp BalanceAnti-Dandruff Shampoo 300 ml

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    212 kr
    Rec. price 235 kr
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    Wella Professionals Invigo Scalp Balance Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is a soothing shampoo formulated to combat dandruff and flaky skin. This professional and gentle cleanser infused with Balance-Blend™, is formulated with caring and refreshing ingredients designed to soothe and calm irritation on the scalp. This Anti-Dandruff Shampoo effectively fights dandruff and removes visible flakes from the scalp, leaving your hair feeling fresh and clean. Your routine to healthy feeling hair for imbalanced scalps

    1. Apply on wet hair and distribute evenly on scalp
    2. Massage and lather
    3. Rinse and repeat if needed

    300 ml
    • Category:Shampoo
    • Article number:
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