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    BrushworksMicro Needle Derma Roller

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    139 kr
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    For a glow that will get you complements, use the Brushworks Micro Needle Derma Roller! This micro-needle roller gently penetrates the upper layers of your skin for a youthful and vibrant glow. The 0.5mm needles help to rejuvenate skin by promoting new skin cell regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Perfect for preventing breakouts, blackheads and fine lines.

    How to Use
    You can roll the needles in three directions - vertical, horizontal, and diagonally. Spend no more than a total of two minutes using the roller in one session. Start by gently rolling up and down your forehead, cheeks and chin. Do not apply too much pressure and stay away from the eye area. You can then switch to horizontal movements followed by diagonal ones. If you want to use a serum with your derma roller, apply this before you begin rolling.

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