Latest reviews

  • Works...

    High Performance Face Formula 100 ml

    I bought this since Niactil 4% was supposed to be discontinued and replaced. I now see that Niactil has made a comeback and I definitely understand why. This one is not in the same league but works well as a backup when other products run out. No wow factor though like the experience with Niactil. Moisturizes nicely, but you get very shiny in the face, you can kind of see the boundary on the forehead where this is applied and your normal skin. I like glow but not shine. Won't buy again.

    Jennifer1 week

  • Elixir

    Hydractil lite 50 ml

    Favorite moisturizer!

    Anna1 week

  • Awesome.

    SOS Paste 30 ml

    My son's skin has gotten so much better after just a week!

    Jessica H B1 week

47 products
47 products

Super deal this weekend - 40% off Silk'n LED mask

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