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    Geir NessLaila Hand & Body Cream 237 ml

    1 reviews, 5 on average
    535 kr
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    The Laila for Women collection presents a full line of body products and accessories inspired by the timeless allure of Norway and designed with the modern woman in mind. From our intoxicatingly fresh signature fragrance, Laila, to our remarkably clean body products and fashionable accessories, this collection combines nature’s best to inspire the senses and deliver the pure, exhilarating essence of Norway.

    The hand & bodycream are the enticing mixture of vitamins A and E, aloe vera, and honey extracts in our Laila Hand & Body Cream will leave your skin feeling pure and smooth. This one-of a kind, non-greasy formula is engineered to absorb quickly, leaving your skin with a clean feeling that lasts all day.

    Laila Hand & Body Cream sisältää yhdistelmän A- ja E-vitamiinia, aloe veraa ja hunajauutteita. Laila Hand & Body Cream jättää ihon pehmeäksi ja sileäksi. Ainutlaatuinen rasvaton koostumus jättää iholle puhtaan tunteen, joka kestää koko päivän.

    Laila Hand & Body Cream innehåller en blandning av vitamin A och E, aloe vera och honungsextrakt. Laila Hand & Body Cream lämnar din hud ren och smidig. Denna unika, oljefria formula ger din hud en ren känsla som håller hela dagen.

    237 ml
    • Category:Hand Care
    • Article number:

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