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- Most helpful positive4 monthsverified customer
Works like Colourless
Removes color well! Hair is soft and healthy when you use a hair mask after washing. Removed years of built-up black hair dye in one go. 1 jar is enough for one use!5 likes6119 viewsto leave a comment - 1 weekverified customer
No no no! So disappointed! I've been loyal to this product for over 10 years. Now that they've changed the formula, it's trash! My hair feels more damaged, there's barely any difference in my hair. It was better before!Translated from swedish
257 views- Customer service at Lyko1 weekHello there Ida 👋🏻😊 Oh no, we really understand the frustration! 🙈❤️ It's never fun when a favorite product changes and doesn't feel as good anymore. We will pass on your feedback and hope you can find a new favorite! 💕 If you need help finding an alternative, you can always try our hair color test on our website for tailored tips! ✨😊 Have a great day 🤸🏻🤍
to leave a comment - 3 weeksverified customer
Effective but gentle!
Works as promised! I went from black roots with red lengths to dark blonde after 3 decolorations (and ashy toning). It hasn't damaged my hair at all. ColourB4 is much more effective than Colourless max effect. Tips: - cover the hair with plastic wrap and a towel during the process. - keep the hair WARM. I take off the towel and warm the outside of the plastic with a hairdryer every 10 minutes. - wash with shampoo several times right after to get rid of the smell of rotten eggs and sewage. Otherwise, it sticks like a rock. - be ready with hair mask, good conditioner, and hair oil! The decoloration itself doesn't damage, but the final shampoo you should use is very drying.Translated from swedish
3 likes1610 viewsto leave a comment - 1 month
Worse than before
I have used this bleach many, many times. It has always worked great. Now when I bought it, I noticed they changed the product. New formula and a bit different product. It didn't work nearly as well! My colored red hair has always disappeared easily, but this time there was hardly any difference! Can you get their old product anywhere? It worked a thousand times better.Translated from swedish
1042 views- Hairdresser at Lyko1 monthHey Åsa! 👋🏼 Thanks for sharing your experience, typical that you didn’t get the desired effect this time 😏 You could try this one, to see if it works better for you 🙏🏼 You can also take our Hair Color Test to get tips and advice on how to proceed and which products are needed to achieve your desired result 🤭 Have a lovely day 💫
to leave a comment - 2 months
Regretting the purchase!
I was hesitant about whether I should use this since some say it's really good and some say it's bad. Unfortunately, I have to agree with those who say it's bad. I'm already losing a lot of hair and have probably 10+ years of home-dyed black, so there was no result from the first attempt, but I can still buy it. 🧖♀️ But how dry and rubbery my hair became from this is terrible, I panicked a bit there for a while in the shower. I also had no hair mask at home, but I'm glad that my regular shampoo/conditioner and oil could save a lot of the dryness. Unfortunately, the smell isn't completely gone, but well.. nothing I will try again, I don't want to risk the little quality I have left in my hair both before and after this! 💔Translated from swedish
1307 views- Customer service at Lyko2 monthsHello there Marlene 🤗 Thank you for sharing your experience with this product. What a bummer that your hair couldn't really handle this treatment.. it's quite tough 😭 Hair mask is really great to use afterwards, but lucky that your regular products could save your hair a bit 😭1 likes
to leave a comment - 2 monthsverified customer
Hands unfortunately not so much!
As the title says - it maybe lifted a shade of the hair but nothing more. The smell probably requires you to have windows in the bathroom - but I thought it disappeared after a few shampoos. It didn't damage the hair that much, but enough for almost no result.Translated from swedish
1091 views- Customer service at Lyko2 monthsHey Emma! 👋 It sounds like it has helped lift a shade, and sometimes a few more treatments may be needed if it's a stubborn hair color that has stuck around 🥰 I can recommend that you take our hair color test that you can find in the Lyko app, so our hairdressers can help you look further. There you can upload a couple of pictures before and after, and they can help you with a solution if you want to go back to a natural hair color. Have a nice day, and thank you for taking the time to write a review 🌱
to leave a comment - 3 monthsverified customer
Weak effect
I had dyed my blonde hair brown with semi-permanent color 4 times over 7 months, the color had faded a lot when I threw in colourb4. The expectations were high since I got amazing results from the product a few years ago, but what a disappointment!!! The hair is a little bit lighter than before but barely noticeable. So all I got was a fresh fart smell in my hair...Translated from swedish
1042 views- Hairdresser at Lyko3 monthsHey Pernilla Thanks for sharing your experience It’s so incredibly different how much a bleaching can handle, what’s so clever about these is that they can be used up to three times! If you feel that your hair’s quality is good, it’s definitely something I recommend you try That unpleasant smell is actually easy to get rid of! In the product description, there’s a little guide, here it comes Mix 10% of a water-soluble baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) / carbonate with 90% water and let it sit in your hair for 5-10 minutes. Then use an acid-based solution to make the hair acidic, such as 5% white wine vinegar (acetic acid) or 5% lemon juice (citric acid) mixed with 95% water. Let this solution sit for 3 to 5 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly. This procedure will produce a carbon dioxide gas that removes the chemicals causing the unpleasant smell in your hair. Then finish with a shampoo as usual Fingers crossed that it works for you! Take care1 likes
to leave a comment - 3 monthsverified customer
Doesn't work
Honestly, it didn't work. It pulled out a little color, but very little, and it really damaged the hair to the point that it felt rubbery and weak. I used the Nanoil - Keratin mask to save my hair, and it gave fantastic results!Translated from swedish
881 viewsto leave a comment - 4 months
Khadi /henna and natural hair color
Hi, I have naturally light chestnut brown hair but it turned dark brown after I applied khadi light brown which has completely natural ingredients. I've heard online that some have managed to remove henna & indigo color with B4 or opps color hair remover. I want to ask you before I do the treatment.Translated from swedish
1 likes927 views- Customer service at Lyko4 monthsHey Safinaz My tip for you is to take our free Hair Color Test so our skilled hairdressers can recommend products and how to proceed in the best way You can find it here Take care!1 likes
to leave a comment - 4 monthsverified customer
Destroys hair
I've used this twice now, had brown hair leaning a bit darker and now it looks brown/black/red despite two rounds of bleaching. Lost a lot of hair, hair is super dry and damaged now, scalp hurts, such a hassle to blow-dry, wrap the hair, etc. etc. Smells really bad and the scent sticks to everything. Save your money and bleach instead, at least something happens then.Translated from swedish
2058 views- 4 monthsNot just moisture but also proteins to start building the cuticle layer 🧖♀️1 likes
to leave a comment - 4 monthsverified customer
Not very satisfied
First time I tried this product and I can't say it lived up to my desired results. I have naturally medium brown hair, but after the summer it has been sun-bleached to very light brown, so now in the fall I wanted a darker brown again, but unfortunately the color turned pitch black. I thought I would give it a try but got an uneven result and very little of the color disappeared, very strong smell, and I had some allergic reaction or something similar, but I have never reacted to any other hair dye or bleaching and have used many different kinds before. The hair doesn't feel damaged afterwards, but I probably won't buy it again.Translated from swedish
640 views- Customer service at Lyko4 monthsHey Ebba! 🤗 How strange that the color didn't fade as much as expected, it's possible that you might need to use two color removals if you've dyed your hair recently, for example.. it can then stick quite hard. Sad if you also had a reaction to this product, not fun to hear at all. Hope you're doing well and that the reaction has settled down now ❤️
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ColourB4Haircolour Remover Extra Strenght 180 ml
Vår nya formula baserar sig på mindre kemikaller, vilket gör produkten mer miljövänlig än föregångaren och dessutom har vi tillsatt C-vitamin i produkten.
Hair Colour Remover Extra från Colour B4 är en hemmaavfärgning som tar bort mörka färger, samt flera lager av färger. Det är bara att applicera, vänta och skölja sen har du en ljus färg. Håravfärgningen kommer att ta bort den färgade hårfärgen och återgå till sin naturliga hårfärg.
OBS! Avfärgningen är ej avsedd för blå toner, och uppnår därför inte samma effekt. Metallfolie får inte användas till detta.
Innan du använder ColourB4 TM, rekommenderar vi, för att nå det bästa resultatet, att du använder ämnet i torrt och rent hår. Vi rekommenderar också att du tvättar håret med djuprenande shampoo, så att all hårvårdsrester och deras siliconer försvinner. Denna djuprening förhindrar ett ojämnt färgborttagningsresultat.
Läs instruktionerna noggrant före användning.
Töm hela påsen A i flaskan B. Håll flaskan vågrätt handen och knacka flaskan mot hårt underlag så att du försäkrar dig om att pulvret helt blivit blandat. Omskaka kraftigt i 2 minuter, så att ämnen är helt blandade. Låtstå 10 minuter. Omskaka ännu 60 sekunder före du börjar färgborttagningen.
Värm håret med en fön innan du applicerar färgbortagningsmedlet. Applicera ColourB4TM blandningen på torrt och rent hår, applicera från hårroten till hårtoppar. Töm flaskan helt och försäkra dig om att blandningen är jämnt fördelat.
Låt verka i 60 minuter, vi rekommenderar att täcka håret med plastfolie och värma med fön samt täcka håret ännu med en handduk. Det är mycket viktigt att håret hålls varmt under hela 60 minuters tid. Du kan också värma håret med fönen under behandlingen.
Skölj med varmt vatten i minst 5 minuter och upp till 10 minuter för längre och tjockare hår.
Efter att du sköljt håret väl, applicera hälften av innehållet från flaskan C i håret och arbeta upp ett ordentligt lödder i en minut. Skölj sedan med varmt vatten i 5 minuter.
Applicera resten av flaskan C och arbeta upp ett lödder precis som du gör då du tvättar håret. Låt verka i en minut och skölj därefter i 5 minuter. Då efterbehandlingsämnet är helt bortsköljt, torka håret som vanligt. Vi rekommenderar användning av balsam eftersom hårfärgen torkar ut håret.
Applicera hälften av conditioning i fuktigt hår, kamma igenom noggrant frän rot till topp och låt verka i tre minuter. Skölj håret och upprepa med resten av conditioning. Skölj omsorgsfullt.
Om du vill förhandsgranska resultatet (innan du applicerar produkten i håret) gör ett hårslingetest på en liten slinga av håret, inte mer än en centimeter tjock. Blanda en tesked av aktivatorn påse A i en plastskål tillsammans med en matsked frän flaska B. Rör om med en plastsked, Applicera med en handske eller med en pappersbit på den avskiljda hårslingan. Dränk hårslingan helt ämnet. Låt Ämnet verka 60 minuter. Skölj 5 minuter, torka granska resultatet. ANVAND INTE C-FLASKANS EFTERBEHANDLING i håret, eftersom det kan påverka resultatet av den egentliga efterföljande användningen av ColourB4TM.
Gör upp en liten blandning enligt anvisningar. Applicera en liten mängd pä inre armen. Skölj ämnet bort noggrannt efter 60 minuter . Ifall det inte uppstår allergireaktioner eller andra hudreaktioner, kan du forsätta hårbottagningsämnets användning. Om du då du använder hårbontagningsmedlet märker hudreaktioner eller andra allergisymptomer, bör du omedelbart sluta använda ämnet och skölja håret omsorgsfullt. Ifall symptomen fortsätter kontakta läkaren.
Produkten frigör det färgade hårets molekyler och det händer någon gång ibland när man inte sköljer ur håret ordentligt, att det sitter kvar rester från den gamla hårfärgen som luktar.
Det är därför viktigt att man som det står i beskrivningen sköljer ur håret noga i 5 minuter vid kort hår och 10 minuter vid långt tjockt hår.
Det finns knep att ta till för den som råkar ut för detta.
För att avlägsna en ihållande doft som sitter kvar i håret så tvätta håret med följande blandning:
- Blanda 10% av ett vattenlösligt bikarbonat (Natron) / karbonsalt med 90% vatten och låt det sitta kvar i håret i 5-10 minuter.
- Använd sedan en syrabaserad lösning för att göra håret surt, såsom 5% vitvinäger (ättikssyra) eller 5% citronsaft (citronsyra) blandat med 95% vatten. Låt även denna lösningen verka i 3 till 5 minuter, skölj därefter ur håret noggrant.
Denna procedur kommer att producera en koldioxidgas som tar bort de kemikalier som orsakar den illaluktande doften på håret.
- Avsluta sedan med ett schampo som vanligt.
- Category:Color Remover
- Article number:2263-101-0001