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  • 1 month
    verified customer

    Gives more energy

    I am really satisfied. I start taking these about 10-7 days before I am due to menstruate, and about three days after the start of my period. These obviously don't cure all of PMS (like irritation), but I have much more energy and stamina when I take these compared to when I don't.
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  • 3 months

    Big capsules

    I really like it but minus for the big round capsules form. My chest began to hurt whenever I take a pill.
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Great EarthPMS Balance 90 pcs

2 reviews, 4.5 on average
294 kr
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Mood swings, sweet tooth, and problem skin. Do you recognize yourself? PMS is caused by hormonal imbalance, which most women and people with uteruses experience during their lifetime. PMS Balance is designed to contribute to hormonal balance and counteract PMS.
PMS Balance contains evening primrose oil which helps to maintain normal hormonal balance, sage which contributes to well-being during menstruation, vitamin B6 which helps to regulate hormonal activity and Dong Quai which is also known as "female ginseng".
It also contains chromium which can help you deal with increased sweet cravings during
PMS, as chromium helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. For more balance and less PMS, simply!

Recommended intake: 3 capsules daily with a meal.

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