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    JenorisGlazeHair Care 500 ml

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    167,20 kr
    Ord. price 209 kr20
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    250 ml500 ml

    Jenoris Glaze creates luscious hair that's bursting with softness and shine.
    This unique Sculpting Gel boosts volume and perfect curls while infusing your locks with moisture and vitality. Packed with the essential oils of Omega 3, 6, and 9, Jenoris Glaze transforms tired ends into a final touch of shimmer and natural radiance.
    Simply spread it between your palms and massage it into your hair as desired.
    A curling iron can be used to style those flawless curls.

    500 ml
    • Category:Volume
    • Article number:

    Hair issues? Lets Fix it! Up to 25% off on haircare.

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