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  • 2 months
    verified customer

    Smooth Result

    Leaves hair wonderfully soft & smooth, I've personally tested several shampoos and conditioners from the line
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Kevin MurphyAngelBundle Wash 250 ml & Rinse 250 ml

68 reviews, 3.4 on average
519 kr*
Without bundle: 658 kr
Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately
* Cannot be combined with discount codes.

Kevin Murphy Angel Wash Shampoo

-Color-preserving shampoo for fine / thin hair.
-Antioxidants that protect your colored hair.
-Builds dry and damaged hair.
-Maximum volume, moisturizing effect.

250ml Kevin Murphy Angel Rinse Conditioner

-Color-preserving conditioner for all hair.
-Protects your hair and your scalp.
-Deeply repairs damaged hair.
-Moisturizes without weighing down your hair
-Increases the elasticity of dry hair.


500 ml

Often bought together

1 048 kr
889 kr
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