I strongly suspect that I have the skin disease HS, in short, a chronic inflammatory skin disease "In the skin deeply located painful, inflamed nodules or abscesses" which hopefully become shallower and eventually burst to finally be pain-relieved. For me, this started over 18 years ago, and I have been on several different courses of medication to both take, apply to my body, and periodically needed surgery, but nothing has given long-lasting results. I started using this soap maybe two years ago, and it has worked magic for my daily life and pain management. I still always have a constant 1-2 active abscesses, but before I started with this soap, I had flare-ups several times a year that were completely unbearable as both the number increased and the size of them got significantly worse. This soap has really saved me! On occasions when it has been sold out and I have taken a break, the flare-ups have come back immediately, but as long as I use it on the affected areas every shower, it keeps it in check.