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    Glitter Eco LoversEco Glitter Unicorn Fantasy

    2 reviews, 5 on average
    237 kr
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    More shades


    Unicorn Fantasy glitter is a dreamy mix of pastel pink, light blue, purple, silver, and white hexagon-shaped sparkles. It's the perfect accessory for any girl who loves unicorns just like we do!

    You can stick the glitter on with lip balm or petroleum jelly, or go for the Glitter Eco Lovers glitter fix made from natural aloe vera gel.

    Glitter Eco Lovers is an eco-friendly, plant-based loose glitter that breaks down in nature and is totally vegan. Just a heads up, the color can transfer to your skin, especially the darker shades, so make sure to wash it off with a gentle soap. This glitter is not edible, and you should avoid applying it too close to your eyes.

    15 ml
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