Great budget option!
Dry Shampoo Original 200 ml
Dry shampoo is something I use quite a bit, as I usually only wash my hair 2 times a week. I have tried quite a few different brands and usually switch it up a bit between the ones I use. However, I haven't tried this dry shampoo from Monday before. But now I've been using it for a couple of weeks.
I like how the bottle looks, a bit simple without frills and in a nice pink color. But the important thing is not how it looks, but how it actually performs. And it actually does really well!
This morning my hair looked greasy and unwashed, and I sprayed it in my hair where it was needed. It had to sink in a bit before I brushed through my hair, and there is a big difference. My hair immediately becomes fresh and feels almost newly washed. It leaves no white residue or marks, and you also don't get a textured feeling in your hair.
Is there any downside then?
Yes, unfortunately, and that is the quite strong floral scent it has. It smells strong when you spray it in your hair, but thankfully the scent disappears quickly once it has dried in. I would have preferred it to be scent-free as I am sensitive to scents, but otherwise, it is one of the best budget options I have tried.