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PurenessKeto Kollagen Natural 150 g
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Pureness Collagen Natural is a versatile collagen powder without flavouring. Collagen and protein help, among other things, to build muscle mass and is therefore ideal for those who work out. Collagen Natural is also ideal for a ketogenic diet.
The collagen we use is Bodybalance® collagen peptide, which is a well-researched collagen of nut origin. In addition, the product contains hydrolysed fibres from the guar bean (Sunfiber®). Collagen Natural is completely fat-free. Thanks to its neutral taste, you can add the powder to almost anything, such as coffee or a smoothie.
Mix 1 tablespoon with the desired beverage.
150 g
- Category:Hair, skin & nails
- Article number:3694-125-0150