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    RFSUSense MeShiny Dream

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    199 kr
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    Metal plug for stimulation of the sensitive anal areas. Made of polished aluminium, which adds weight and which, in combination with the decorative stone, creates an exclusive feeling. Vary the experience by putting the plug in hot or cold water before use (check the temperature against your forearm). 

    Use plenty of lubricant, e.g. RFSU Klick Supreme (silicone based works for Shiny Dream as it is made of metal). Take it gradually when you insert the plug into the anus, as it takes a few seconds for the muscles around the opening to get used to it and give way. Please note! Shiny Dream has a slightly smaller stop function (the bottom of the plug where the stone is attached) and should not be inserted too far during use. Always clean the plug before and after use with a product for sex toys, or soap and water.

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