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    Maria ÅkerbergFace Lotion Supplement 50 ml

    2 reviews, 3.2 on average
    380 kr
    Rec. price 399 kr
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    Face Lotion Supplement is a luxurious, smoothing anti-ageing cream with Pomegranate and Peptides. It is suitable for mature skin, especially dull skin with enlarged pores. Not suitable for sensitive or oily skin, as it is too active.

    Pomegranate improves elasticity, smooths the skin and slows down ageing. Carrot Seed Oil and Olibanum are firming and improve elasticity. Neroli Oil balances and calms the skin.

    Oils from Rapeseed and Jojoba, together with Peptides, increase the moisture content in the skin and improve its resilience.

    Peptides, extracted from different plant based oils, have a stimulating effect comparable to Vitamin A/Retinol. Peptides stimulate the formation of new collagen and glycosaminoglycans (including hyaluronic acid). They also protect and repair the collagen like retinol does, but without the risk of irritating/dehydrating the skin. The effect is a reduction of wrinkle depth and length, as well as a reduction of fine lines. The skin becomes firmer and smoother, and its elasticity and moisture balance are improved.

    The product contains natural self preservatives.

    Apply Face Lotion Supplement after Freshener, to moist skin.
    Do not use Face Lotion Supplement around the eyes. Instead choose a suitable product, such as Eye Cream, Eye Cream More, Eye Balm or Eye Gel
    To further enhance the effect of Face Lotion Supplement on dry and mature skin, apply a layer of Royal Facial Oil Supplement under Face Lotion Supplement.

    50 ml

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