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    VitaYummyAdults Multivitamins Tropical 180 g

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    VitaYummy Adults Multivitamin

    VitaYummy Adults Multivitamin is an unique and effective composition of Vitamin D, E, Folic acids and vitamin B12 that contributes to maintain the immune system.

    Our Adults Multi vitamin has a high amount of vitamin B12 that is an essential vitamin for a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.

    Vitamin B12 contributes also to decrease tiredness and exhaustion.

    Keep your body strong and healthy regardless the time of year and weather with two VitaYummy gummies per day.

    The delicious taste comes from strawberry and the beautiful colour comes from carrots and black currants.

    VitaYummy Adults Multivitamin are without any artificial colour, taste – and sweeteners and are suited for vegans.
    Recommended daily dose: 2 gummies
    Number of gummies per jar: 60 pieces.

    180 g
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