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    VitaYummyD3 Vitamins 60 pcs

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    199 kr
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    60 pcs90 pcs

    VitaYummy D3

    New and improved content.

    VitaYummy D3 now contains 30 μg of vitamin D3, divided into 2 vitamin vingums. VitaYummy D3 can still be used by both children and adults, and contains vitamin D3 extracted from plants.

    Vitamin D, popularly known as the sunshine vitamin, contributes to:
    - The normal function of the immune system
    - Normal blood calcium levels
    - To maintain normal bone structure, normal muscle function and normal teeth

    The good taste comes from raspberries and the beautiful natural color comes from carrot and black currant.

    VitaYummy D3 is vegan and free of artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners.

    Especially in a country like Sweden, where we don't have many hours of sunshine, it can be an advantage to supplement your diet with D vitamins.

    Recommended daily dose:
    Children from 3 years: 1 vitamin wine gummy bear
    Adults from 11 years: 2 vitamin wine gummy bears
    Number of vitamin wine gummy bears per jar: 60 pcs.

    Recommended daily dose Adults from 11 years: 2 vitamin gummy bears / Children from 3 years: 1 vitamin gummy bear

    60 st

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