Alpha Plus

Pau D´Arco Tea 100g
2 ocen
65 zł
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Alpha Plus Pau D'arco tea is made from dried inner bark from the Lapacho tree. Lapacho is an old and vigorous tree species from South America. It has been used for thousands of years as a tea and food among indigenous peoples of South America. Lapacho bark contains minerals, trace elements and other substances, including Q10, iron and about 20 other nutrients. History says that Pau D'arco had a widespread use among the Inca Indians 1000 years ago. Through traveling Spaniards and Portuguese, the information about the Pau D'Arco tree's health benefits spread. There are notes from the year 1385 from a monastery in Macedonia about the use of Pau D'arco, and it is said that freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi drank Lapacho tea regularly. The lapacho tree itself has a strong resistance against fungi, spores and viruses. Pau D'arco tea is well suited as a strengthening companion tea.

Boil 1,5 tablespoons of bark in 1/2 liter water for 10-15 minutes. 3-6 cups of Lapacho tea can be drunk daily for health and well-being - as a strengthening, preventive mineral-rich drink, as a slimming and fasting tea, companion tea, or as a chilled drink, possibly with a little lemon. It can also be used externally for bathing and washing, eye baths and poultices.

100 g

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