Jimmy Boyd

Cologne Intense Wild Rose 12 ml
1 ocen
28 zł*Cena rekomendowana 35 zł
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Cytryna, Konwalia, Róża

Jimmy Boyd Wild Roses Fragrance Cologne 12ml, from the perfume house's organic and bio-dynamic collection. Wild roses - A bouquet of love. The rose is a symbol of love, passion and beauty in most civilisations. The aroma of this subtle flower is one of the most cherished scents. The rose scent in this unisex Eau de Cologne is light, soft and subtle and not so dominant and powerful. Wild Roses Fragrance Cologne consists of natural ingredients such as lemon, rose, lily of the valley and vanilla. In every bottle there’s also a rose petal, and extract from the petal elegantly enhances the main fragrance of the Cologne.

Aromatherapy: Living Love - The fragrance provides harmony and wellness.

- Lemon
- Rose
- Lily of the valley
- Vanilla

It contains essential oils that are of wild origin and from ecological and traditional farming.

100 % natural, 97 % organic, 100 % vegan.

Jimmy Boyd Eau de Cologne can be used in a variety of ways. You can use the fragrance directly on your skin, or spray a cloud and go through it so that also your clothes get the scent, or as a room scent.

12 ml
  • Kategoria:Eau de Cologne
  • Numer artykułu:

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