Frank Body

Frank Body är ett australiskt hudvårdsmärke med ett enkelt uppdrag: att göra naturlig hudvård ROLIG!. Alla
ingredienser är naturliga eller organiskt framställda och ger skonsamt, men effektiv, näring åt huden. Alla
produkter från Frank Body är tillverkade i Melbourne, Australien av färska ingredienser.
Liksom kaffe ger dig en uppfriskande känsla och väcker dig från insidan - ger dessa produkter din hud samma
magiska känsla. Nymalet och nyrostat kaffe ger en härlig och naturlig exfoliering som stimulerar
blodcirkulationen, främjar produktionen av kollagen och avlägsnar döda hudceller. Supermjuk och återfuktad
hud garanteras - pröva, och du kommer älska det!

Senaste recensioner

  • Scrub

    Glycolic Body Scrub 100 g

    Har testat den nu. Vet inte om den funkar än men det enda som är dåligt är att den har en obehaglig lukt.

    Julia8 månader

  • Lovely scrub

    Body Rosehip Body Scrub + Cleanser 250 g

    I tried the Rosehip Body Scrub + Cleanser,a 2 in 1 shower product which is supposed to exfoliate and cleanse using sugar granules and rich oils such as: coconut, jojoba and coffee seed oil, and rosehip oil. Love the texture, the scrub is packed with good size granules that provide satisfying scrub experience and some almost rice seeds like bits that create foam for cleansing. After sugar dissolves these soapy bits still remain and you can work it in to make foam so I like to use a massage/shower glove with this product to rub it in and create the foam otherwise they fall. the scent is quite strong in the tub however, you only use a small amount and therefore it’s alright. It is mainly floral(rose) and nutty(I think it’s the shea butter) but it washes off and just a hint of fresh floral stays.

    Heli1 år

  • Lovely

    Glide 'N' Go Body Oil Stick 70 g

    It’s literally body oil in solid form like a deo! When I got it I was immediately interested as it smells aaaammaazing!!!🤩 It’s not an overpowering scent at all, it’s more like the combination of scents from oils and butters in the formula, like coconut, cocoa, and shea butter with coffee and vanilla. The texture is soooo smooth like when coconut oil solidifies and it literally melts when it comes in contact with skin then I personally like to rub it in with hands to distribute the product evenly and it gives the skin such beautiful glow. The ingredients sound great too. I love using it after shaving or scrubbing as it’s very moisturizing and you can feel the effect on skin for hours. It is also great to use as a massage oil or as leg 🦵 highlighter/ oil as well! I really enjoy using it for the most part just that you don’t get so much of it! 70g only. it’s supposed to be for occasions when you don’t want to use your hands to rub in body oils or if you are on the go. I appreciate the idea but as the product is so soft and easily melts, I wouldn’t take it somewhere hot with me in my handbag #LYKOMISSION.

    Heli1 år

14 produkter

Endast idag! 50% på Lumenes hudvård