• 3 måneder

    Snart er det JUL 🎄❤️🤍🤚

    Til jule negle 🤚🎄❤️🤍 med stickers fra Temu: share.temu.com/nlCzbw03yNA #OPI #IDUNminerals #essence #depend #lykoreview

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    4 produkter i posten Snart er det JUL 🎄❤️🤍🤚
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    • 3 måneder
      Tak søde og God Jul ❤️🎈❄️

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  • Beige Øjenskygge ~ i flere henseender...

    Købte denne øjenskygge (Præstkrage) for et par uger siden, fordi jeg ville have noget at lægge under brynet for at lysne lidt op. Jeg har dog flere forskellige skygger, der fungerer glimrende til dette, men de er alle i paletter, og jeg følte, at jeg ville have en enkelt skygge til netop dette formål 😅 Jeg tror ikke, jeg har prøvet nogen øjenskygge fra IDUN Minerals før, eller i så fald var det længe siden, så jeg har ikke rigtig noget at sammenligne med... men jeg undrer mig bare, hvor er pigmentet i denne skygge? Der sker jo næsten ingenting, når jeg bruger den! Ved ikke, om det handler om, at det er mig, der gør noget forkert, måske ikke forstår formelen eller sådan noget. Men når jeg tager min makeupbørste og skal tage produkt op, så kommer der knap nok noget med, det føles som om den er mega hårdt pakket. Jeg skal gentage processen et antal gange for at se nogen som helst forskel under brynet. Og så vil jeg selvfølgelig stadig have det forholdsvis diskret, bare som en lidt highlighted effekt, men mat så. Farven ser ellers helt perfekt ud til, hvordan jeg havde tænkt mig det. Synes annoncebillederne afspejler den virkelige farve godt. Synes også om dette klassiske format for enkelt skyggen, emballagen føles ordentlig og er også ret pæn. Så det er virkelig synd, at den bare totalt floppede for mig, for jeg troede, jeg spillede mine kort sikkert, da jeg valgte IDUN. Overvejer om jeg måske skal bruge en anden applikationsmetode, som svamp eller finger, men jeg synes bare, det føles lidt bøvlet, at det skal være nødvendigt. Og det står jo faktisk, at det skal være "en pudderkonsistens, der fester let på huden", og at man SKAL påføre med børste...? Jeg kan desværre ikke give mere end to stjerner, for dette køb var i princippet meningsløst for mig 😢 #lykoreview #IDUN #idunminerals #øjenskygge

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    1 produkter i posten Beige Øjenskygge ~ i flere henseender...
    1281 visninger
    • Lyko Kundeservice
      4 måneder
      Hallå der Johanna Sabine Emma Viktoria Jana 🤗 Tusind tak for din udførlige og fine anmeldelse af dette produkt, selvom det ikke helt ramte plet. Men nogle gange skal man teste sig frem for at finde sin favorit. Sjovt at du ville dele din oplevelse, det sætter vi pris på 🤍

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  • 4 måneder

    Magisk! 🌟

    Denne mascara elsker jeg! 💖 Hvor dejligt er det ikke, at den opløser sig selv med vand ved 38 grader eller varmere. Jeg behøver ikke at stå og gnide mascaraen af, men jeg kan forsigtigt trække fingrene fra vippebunden og nedad, og så løsner mascaraen sig fra hver enkelt vippes. ✨ Man behøver ikke engang en rensemiddel? For alt forsvinder med lidt varmt vand! Skånsommere for vipperne og øjenlågene, da man slipper for at gnide og irritere. 💦 Jeg påfører kun mascaraen i spidserne af vipperne og i længderne, men ikke ved rødderne, da jeg synes, at bøjningen lægger sig. Men hvis jeg tager mascaraen i spidserne og længderne, så har jeg bøjede vipper hele dagen! 🥲 Området omkring mine øjne er tørt og meget følsomt, men jeg elsker vandfaste mascaras, hvilket ikke går hånd i hånd, da man ofte skal gnide vandfast mascara af. Men denne mascara er løsningen på mine problemer! 🌟 Anbefaler alle at prøve! Især jer med følsom hud og tør hud omkring øjnene. 🧖‍♀️ #idunminerals #vattenfastmascara #waterproof

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    1 produkter i posten Magisk! 🌟
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  • 7 måneder

    Vatn Volume🖤🤎💙💚

    Say hi 👋🏼 to our Product Developer, Nadia, as she answers your most frequently asked questions about our best-selling Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C! 🔬👩🏻‍🔬💄 Comment below what other shades of Vatn Volume you think we should develop! #IDUNMinerals #ConsciousBeauty
    4 produkter i looket Vatn Volume🖤🤎💙💚
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  • 7 måneder

    Multi use our Creme Lipstick💄

    Have you tried using our Creme Lipstick as a blush? They are semi transparent and are easy to apply, to give a soft colour with a beautiful glow. Combine with the same shade on your lips, or use the shade you like most. ❤️ #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    6 produkter i looket Multi use our Creme Lipstick💄
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  • 7 måneder

    Summer Makeup Routine 💄

    In the video we see Rebekka apply makeup from IDUN Minerals for a perfect and easy summer look.😍 Products used in order: -Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF 30 in shade Långholmen, Light / Medium Neutral -Pro Buffer Foundation Brush -Mineral Bronzer Midsommar -Mineral Blush Plommon -Pro Tapered Powder Brush -Clear Brow Gel Perfect Eyebrows -Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C -Ready Set Refresh Setting Spray #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    8 produkter i looket Summer Makeup Routine 💄
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  • 7 måneder

    One of our latest Blush novelties Rabarber

    Mineral Blush Rabarber adds the perfect sun-kissed, golden pink effect as seen on Jessica Hedman. 🍓 Apply with Pro Tapered Powder Brush for an easily blended, soft result. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #Blush
    2 produkter i looket One of our latest Blush novelties Rabarber
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  • 8 måneder

    Mineral Blush🍓

    Mineral Blush is infused with ultra-purified mineral pigments for a rich colour payoff that is easily blendable and buildable. What is your favorite new shade?🍓 #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty
    4 produkter i looket Mineral Blush🍓
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  • 9 måneder

    New Limited Edition Mini Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C Green💚

    Our cult favorite, best-selling mascara now in a limited edition, travel size, green shade perfect for the summer holidays! 💚 #IDUNMinerals #ConsciousBeauty #VatnVolume
    1 produkt i looket New Limited Edition Mini Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C Green💚
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  • 9 måneder

    Clear Brow Gel🤍

    We are finally releasing our Clear Brow Gel with the perfect texture that keeps the brows in place from morning to evening. It is transparent and leaves no visible residue. Clear Brow Gel is perfect for those who want more defined, full and shaped brows. Use with our Eyebrow Pencil to fill in where you miss hairs or shape. Or use Clear Brow Gel as it is!🤍 #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    1 produkt i looket Clear Brow Gel🤍
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  • 9 måneder


    We are launching 4 new Mineral Blush Shades inspired by the colours of beautiful berries. They are richly pigmented and give a natural and luminous finish that lasts all day. New shades: ❤️Rabarber, a golden pink ❤️Nypon, a bright red ❤️Rönnbär, a burnt orange ❤️Plommon, a plum pink #IDUNMinerals #ConsciousBeauty
    4 produkter i looket NEW SHADES IN MINERAL BLUSH🍓🌸
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  • 9 måneder

    Perfect Color Correction and Coverage💖

    IDUN Minerals has two different duo concealers. One color correcting, and one covering. The products have a creamy texture with two shades in one, with high coverage that is enriched with caring and protective ingredients. 🌸Ringblomma, a color-correcting duo concealer that has an orange shade that neutralizes blue, for example under the eyes, and a green shade that neutralizes red tones. 🌸Duo Concealer, camouflages imperfections, fine lines and redness. In the video she uses the shade Kaprifol. Apply using the IDUN Minerals Concealer Brush, IDUN Minerals Pro Triangle Concealer Brush, or with your fingers. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    5 produkter i looket Perfect Color Correction and Coverage💖
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  • 9 måneder

    Nail care with IDUN Minerals💅

    💖Start with Base Coat Kristall to protect the nail, prevent discoloration and make the nail polish last longer. 💖Apply two coats of Nail Polish. 💖Apply Fast Dry Top Coat Brilliant to extend the durability and add shine. 💖Finish with Nail Oil for care and nourish nails and cuticles. Enriched with almond oil, lemon oil and vitamin E. All nail polishes are vegan and have a 5-free formula, which means that they are free from a number of dangerous ingredients that otherwise tend to be found in nail polish. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #nailpolish
    4 produkter i looket Nail care with IDUN Minerals💅
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  • 9 måneder

    The difference between Vatn Volume Black and Brown🖤🤎

    If you're having trouble deciding whether you want Vatn Volume in black or brown, check out MUA Sabine's video where you can see the difference in shade. A black look will be more intense and defined, while a brown look will be softer and make the eyes pop. Which of the colours is your favourite?🖤🤎 Products used in the video: -Vatn Volume Brown🤎 -Creamy Eyeliner Jord -Eyeshadow Palette Lavendel -Eye and Lip Definer Brush -Creamy Eyeliner Lava -Eyeshadow Palette Lejongap -Vatn Volume Black🖤 #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    7 produkter i looket The difference between Vatn Volume Black and Brown🖤🤎
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  • 9 måneder

    Get your glow with IDUN Minerals✨

    Powder Tilda is a luminating multi functional powder that can be used both as a powder and a highlighter. Apply either as a regular setting powder with a fluffy brush where you want to fix your base and give an extra touch using IDUN Minerals Pro Tapered Powder Brush. Or apply to the cheekbones, bridge of the nose and inner corner of the eye as a highlighter using IDUN Minerals Face Definer Brush and work in the product for a lovely glow! ✨ #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    3 produkter i looket Get your glow with IDUN Minerals✨
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  • 10 måneder


    Just in time for summer, we are now launching two new shades in our Mineral Bronzer. 🤎Midsommar: A luminous, deeper warm shade. 🤎Skymning: A matte, deeper cold shade that is perfect for contouring. Whether you want to bring life and color to your skin, enhance your summer tan or define the contours of your face, IDUN Minerals has different shade options. The richly pigmented formula is easy to blend and gives a natural result that lasts all day. Our bronzers are vegan and made from highly purified minerals that are suitable even for those with sensitive skin. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup #bronzer
    4 produkter i looket NEW BRONZER SHADES! 🤎
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  • 10 måneder

    Creme lipstick💋

    Our stunning creme lipsticks provide a glossy finish in a light opaque colour that provides hydration with shea butter and nordic cloudberry oil. Creme Lipstick also works as a creme blush for a luminous touch of colour when applied to the cheeks. 💄 In the video we see all our 8 shades. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup #lipstick
    8 produkter i looket Creme lipstick💋
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  • 10 måneder

    Skincare routine with IDUN Minerals 🤍

    Give your skin love by cleansing and nourishing your skin with gentle and effective products from IDUN Minerals that work for everyone, even the most sensitive skin. 🤍Mineral Cleansing Face & Eye Mousse: Cleanses and removes makeup, even waterproof. 🤍Mineral Smoothing Face Scrub: A gentle deep cleansing and exfoliating scrub. 🤍Mineral Moisturizing Face Mask: An intensely hydrating face mask that soothes and nourishes dry skin. 🤍Oil Serum Hydration Booster: An intensive oil serum that strengthens, repairs and soothes dry skin. 🤍Mineral Moisturizing Day Cream: A hydrating day cream that softens and nourishes the skin. 🤍Lip Balm Care & Repair Cream: Nourishing and softening with a glossy finish. #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #skincare
    6 produkter i looket Skincare routine with IDUN Minerals 🤍
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  • 10 måneder

    Natural full eyebrows

    If you want an easy-to-use and good eyebrow pencil to shape and define the eyebrows, you should try IDUN Minerals Eyebrow Pencil, which is a richly pigmented eyebrow pencil with highly purified minerals. The silky texture blends easily with the eyebrow hairs. ✨ To shape the brows, start by brushing the brows lightly upwards with the brush located at one end to easily see your natural shape. Then take the pencil and fill in where you're missing hairs or need more shape to even out. 🤎 Products used in the video: -Norrsken Foundation -Makeup Sponge -Eyebrow Pencil Pil -Magna Water Magic -Cream Lipstick Alice #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    5 produkter i looket Natural full eyebrows
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  • 10 måneder

    First impression makeup look💖

    In the video, we see Zoe react to IDUN Minerals products. Turn on the sound to hear her impressions. 😍 Products are used in order: -Skin Tint SPF 30 Tan -Pro Buffer Foundation Brush -Perfect Under Eye Concealer Medium -Pro Triangle Concealer Brush -Creamy Eyeliner Jord -Mineral Single Eyeshadow Snöflinga -Mascara Magna Lengtheing -Creme Lipstick Jungfrubär #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    8 produkter i looket First impression makeup look💖
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  • 10 måneder

    Enhance your eyes with a pop of color💙

    IDUN Minerals Mascara Vatn Volume Blue 38°C is a waterproof blue mascara that gives the lashes a deep blue color and defines, separates and gives the lashes length and volume that can be easily built up. Using a blue color on the lashes especially enhances brown eyes, but also suits everyone to give an extra touch and pop of color to your look!💙 -Browgel Perfect Eyebrows Medium -Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF30 Gamla Stan Light -Duo Concealer Kaprifol -Pro Triangle Concealer Brush -Creamy Eyeliner Hav -Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C Blue💙 -Mineral Blush Havtorn -Pro Tapered Powder Brush -Mineral Single Eyeshadow Snöflinga -Lipliner Harriet -Matte Lipstick Krusbär -Lipgloss Louise #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    12 produkter i looket Enhance your eyes with a pop of color💙
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  • 10 måneder

    Glow-Care-Protection in one! ☀️

    If you haven't tried our Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF 30, we highly recommend this amazing product.  It provides a light coverage with wonderful glow that lasts all day, infused with caring antioxidants, vitamins C and E, and protects against UVA and UVB rays with SPF 30.☀️ AND, it is suitable for those with sensitive skin! Products used in the video: -Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF 30☀️ -Makeup Sponge -Perfect Under Eye Concealer -Blush/Bronzer Brush -Bronzer Midnattssol -Blush Havtorn -Eyebrow Pencil Björk -Browgel Perfect Eyebrows Medium -Mineral Eyeshadow Palette Vitsippa -Blending Brush -Mascara Gull -Lipliner Bibi -Lipgloss Cornelia #IDUNMinerals #Consciousbeauty #Skintint
    13 produkter i looket Glow-Care-Protection in one! ☀️
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  • 11 måneder

    Glowy base with Skin Tint✨

    IDUN Minerals has launched 2 new, neutral Skin Tint shades. In the video, Wilma uses Djurgården Light Neutral, which is the lightest shade in a neutral tone. If you previously tried Gamla Stan Light, and it was too warm for you, then Djurgården is the perfect shade to try. 🌟 🌟Products used in order: -Solsken SPF 50 -Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF 30 - Djurgården -Pro Buffer Foundation Brush -Perfect Under Eye Concealer - Extra Fair -Pro Triangle Concealer Brush -Translucent Mattifying Powder Tuva -Pro Tapered Powder Brush -Bronzer Midnattssol -Blush Havtorn -Mineral Eyeshadow Palette Brunkulla -Blending Brush -Mascara Vatn Volume 38°C Brown -Lipliner Harriet -Tinted Lip Elixir Linnea #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #makeup
    14 produkter i looket Glowy base with Skin Tint✨
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  • 11 måneder


    We have now launched two new shades from our beloved Moisturizing Mineral Skin Tint SPF 30 collection in the shades: -Djurgården Light Neutral -Långholmen Light/Medium Neutral If you are looking for a formula with light coverage, hydration, glow and SPF 30, then Skin Tint is the perfect go-to product for a weightless feel on the skin! Have you tried IDUN Minerals Skin Tint? In the video below you can see us swatch all our shades. ✨ #IDUNMinerals #consciousbeauty #skintint #makeup
    8 produkter i looket ❣️ NEW SKIN TINT SHADES ❣️
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