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  • Most helpful positive
    2 months

    Foundation for sensitive skin

    My cat scratched me… Only BM as a concealer - three layers with the corresponding brush (work it in circularly). A foundation that has been in my makeup bag for 15 years. Color: Golden light.

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Foundation for sensitive skin
    • 1 month
      Yes, those cats 😂😻 But they are cute 😜 It really looks nice on you 🥰

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  • verified customer

    The best alternative

    Yep. It melts into your skin. Skip foundation and concealer on a good day. Just dip, blow, and go out

    Translated from norwegian

    1 product in post The best alternative
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  • 1 month

    Bare Minerals R310 - what is it called now?

    Hi, A while ago I started using a kit with Bare Minerals that I bought a few years ago, but 🤷‍♀️ I absolutely love my Bare Minerals R310. But now it's starting to run out, and I want to buy a new one. But what is it called now? Best regards/Marie

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Bare Minerals R310 - what is it called now?
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  • 1 month

    Bare minerals Golden medium 14

    I find it very difficult to get the shade golden medium 14. Is it about to be discontinued? Is there a similar one available?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post Bare minerals Golden medium 14
    • Customer service at Lyko
      1 month
      Hi Emma This shade seems to be temporarily out of stock with the supplier, as it looks now it won't be discontinued. If you want to find a similar shade, you can check out Golden Beige 13 All the best!

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  • 3 months


    Hello, I use the medium beige shade from bareminerals Original in the summer. Which would be a shade lighter for winter? Thank you 🙏

    Translated from german

    1 product in post Winter
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  • What shade?

    Hi! I usually use bare minerals skin perfecting powder foundation and have had the shades fair 15 cool or neutral. What shade would you recommend I try in this variant?

    Translated from swedish

    1 product in post What shade?
    • Customer service at Lyko
      5 months
      Hey Linda! It can be a bit tricky with shades, but a tip is to visit a store to get the perfect match. When I looked closer at this, I would recommend you check out this shade that is closest in lightness and undertone 🌧️ lyko.com/sv/bareminerals/bareminerals-orig-spf15-neutral-body-06 Take care! ☀️

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bareMineralsbarMinerals Original Foundation SPF 15 Deepest Deep 30

195 reviews, 4.5 on average
333 kr
Ord. price 445 kr25
Limited supply offer
Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately

More shades


Foundation av 100 % rena mineraler med naturligt UV-filter SPF 15. Den ultralätta konsistensen i pulverform förvandlas till ett krämigt underlag när den appliceras med en foundationborste.

  • 100 % naturlig-Naturligt UV
  • skydd med SPF 15
  • Concealerfunktion
  • Lätt att anpassa täckningsgraden
  • Passar alla hudtyper, hudtoner, åldrar och hudtillstånd, även känslig hud.
  • Kan med fördel användas på män
  • Ger ett mycket naturligt, & synligt resultat
  • Ljusreflekterande
  • Ingen talk, olja eller vax
  • härsknar inte
  • Inga konserveringsmedel, ingen parfym eller kemiska tillsatser, icke-komedogen

Passar: Alla hudtyper

Användning: Applicera med Swirl, Tap and Buff-tekniken tills önskad täckning uppnåtts.

Gör några hål i det tunna, skyddande plasthöljet i burken. Knacka ut en liten mängd foundation i locket, ungefär lika mycket som när du strör kakao på cappuccinon. Vinkla borsten något och arbeta in - swirl - din foundation med mjuka, bestämda rörelser tills den absorberats av borsten.

Slå av - tap - eventuell överflödig foundation mot locket. Detta är viktigt för slutresultatet! Det ska inte finnas några synliga rester på utsidan av borsten.

Buff - borsta in med cirkulerande eller svepande rörelser. Om du har synliga porer eller fina linjer, svep över dessa områden sist. Buffa tills du är nöjd med resultatet.

8 ml

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