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  • 1 month
    verified customer

    Pretty okay scrub

    Bought this and another scrub on sale. Smells good, a bit coarse grains but scrubs well. I feel like I get a bit dry on my skin afterwards. Totally great scrub for the sale price but I would have expected a bit more if I bought it at full price. #LYKOREVIEW
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  • 1 month

    Hard to work in

    Not a great scrub, but it works. No "kick" in the grains and mostly just glides around since it's not creamy but more like gel. Doesn't smell that great either. On sale it's okay, but not something I would buy at full price.
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By LykoSPASweet Iris Body Scrub 200 ml

29 reviews, 3.7 on average
Article has expired and is no longer available

Say hello to By Lyko’s magical sugar scrub with both AHA and macadamia oil. Formulated to give your skin a good ol’ scrub-a-dub-dub! Goodbye dead skin cells – hello unclogged pores and follicles. Also, it smells like 10,000 new followers on a sunny Friday morning. 100% vegan, of course.

How to use:

  1. Get in the shower and dampen your skin with water.
  2. Scoop up a good chunk and start massaging your breathtakingly beautiful body.
  3. Close your eyes... Embrace those sauna feels.
  4. Rinse and shine!

Tip! Finish with the Body Soufflé in the same range for great results!

200 ml
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