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  • 🧧My Bathroom Cabinet🧧

    Cleaning the bathroom cabinet is one of those things you tend to put off a little too long... But oh how lovely it is when it's done! My cabinet looked so nice the other day after a thorough scrub down. The middle shelf is the holiest, because that's where my serums and creams are. It's probably my favorite category if I have to choose, but I try to keep it to not opening more than I can fit into my routine, so it stays very curated. However, I do skin cycle, so there are still a bunch of products 😅 I absolutely can't fit all my skincare products in the bathroom cabinet, so I have a shelf on the opposite side of the bathroom too. There I keep my toners, body lotions, and some larger bottles. But that area wasn't freshly organized, so it couldn't be in the picture today. Do you have any organization in your bathroom cabinets, and do you keep it clinical? 😁 I had hand surgery on Thursday. Feels like it went well ✌️🤖 I have a follow-up and rehab tomorrow. Kisses and hugs! 😺 #hej #lyko #bathroomcabinet

    Translated from swedish

    • @ElliR Yes, I get it, everything needs a place to live! It's not entirely easy, and actually a reason why I avoid calendars and such 🫣 Hope you got many things that were useful for just you, because then most things find their little place eventually 🥰 Thanks for the concern, yes, my broken finger became at least a liiitle straighter after the surgery 😄

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