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    Elexir Pharma 30 pcs

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    49 kr
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    Iron Deficiency – The World’s Most Common Nutrient Deficiency Iron deficiency tops the chart as the most widespread micronutrient deficiency around the globe. The only more prevalent nutrient deficiency is protein deficiency, sadly common in less affluent regions. Iron deficiency mainly targets women of childbearing age, who lose iron with each menstrual cycle. Pregnancy further amplifies iron loss. Men aren't immune to iron deficiency either, but it usually stems from poor iron absorption or a diet lacking in iron. Iron – Banishes Fatigue and Exhaustion Most of the body's iron is hoarded in the red blood cells, forming a crucial part of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin's mission is to ferry oxygen from the lungs to every nook and cranny of the body, and then lug carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. Low iron levels mean this oxygen delivery service isn't up to speed, making us feel wiped out and lethargic. Iron also plays a starring role in enzymes that fuel the body’s energy production. Keeping tabs on your iron levels is crucial, especially for women of childbearing age, where deficiency is all too common. Iron – A Must-Have for the Immune System Iron is indispensable for keeping the immune system in fighting form. A shortfall in iron is linked to a higher risk of infections, dwindling white blood cell counts, and a drop in antibody production. Iron Bisglycinate – Easy on the Stomach Unfortunately, many iron supplements are notorious for causing stomach woes, including constipation. Iron sulfate, especially in high doses, is a usual suspect. Iron in the form of iron bisglycinate offers a kinder, organic alternative with high bioavailability that sidesteps the risk of constipation or other discomforts. Elexir Iron is presented in a slow-release tablet that eases into the body gradually, boosting absorption even more.

    Recommended intake: 1 tablet daily with a meal. Exceeding the recommended daily intake is a no-go. Remember, supplements can't replace a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are key. Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature, shielded from sunlight, and keep it away from kids.

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