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    OPINail LacquerMexico City CollectionNail Polish

    188 reviews, 4.1 on average
    184 kr
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    Nail lacquer is the original nail polish formula that is known for its quality. The best choice if you like to update your manicure weekly.

    Made in the USA.

    1. Start by applying OPI Base Coat on clean, dry nails. Make sure the cuticles are pushed back.

    2. For a perfect result, start by applying Nail Lacquer in the middle of the nail and then apply along the sides.

    3. Apply another layer of Nail Lacquer, also draw the paint over the top of the nail.

    4. Seal, protect and add shine by applying a layer of OPI Top Coat, also pull over the top of the nail.

    5. For a manicure that is dry to the touch in just a few minutes, finish with 2 drops of DripDry Lacquer Drying Drops on each nail.


    Lasts up to 7 days.

    For best results, use with OPI Natural Base Coat and OPI Top Coat or RapiDry Top Coat.

    15 ml
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