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- Am hilfreichsten (positiv)5 Monaten
Super für gereizte Haut
Meine Tochter bekam plötzlich einige Ausschläge im Gesicht und hatte sehr gereizte und wunde Haut. Sie hat sich einmal mit dieser eingecremt und es hat sich fast sofort beruhigt. Am nächsten Tag war sie ganz in Ordnung. Ich habe es auch benutzt, wenn die Haut etwas wund oder gereizt war. Unglaublich gute Creme zu einem sehr fairen Preis. #LYKOREVIEWÜbersetzt von norwegisch
5 Likes263 Ansichteneinen Kommentar hinterlassen - vor 2 Wochen
Ich habe ewig trockene Haut (Atopiker), es gibt sehr wenige Produkte, die pflegen und gleichzeitig die Haut bis zum nächsten Tag mit Feuchtigkeit versorgen. Außer diesem! Die Haut fühlt sich so weich und glatt an, sogar am nächsten Tag ✨Übersetzt von schwedisch
24 Ansichteneinen Kommentar hinterlassen - Mitarbeiter*in bei Lyko5 Monaten
Diese Creme ist super gegen Ekzeme im Gesicht und am Körper. Ich trage eine Schicht über die Stellen auf, wo ich im Herbst/Winter Ekzeme bekomme, z.B. Nase und Hände, und sie beruhigt sofort und ist so angenehm auf der Haut.Übersetzt von schwedisch
1 Likes229 Ansichteneinen Kommentar hinterlassen
BiodermaAtodermIntensive Baume 75 ml
Größe auswählen
75 ml200 mlIntensively anti-itching, ultra-soothing, and ultra-nourishing care for very dry, irritated, atopic, and sensitive skin.
Soothes and reduces the urge to scratch. Intensely nourishes and restores lipids. Makes the skin feel more comfortable and becomes stronger, in a lasting way. The exclusive LipigeniumTM complex, composed of biolipids naturally found in the epidermis, durably reconstructs the skin barrier by biologically stimulating the synthesis of lipids and proteins that make up the intercorneocyte cement. The anti-pruritus dermatological agent PEA rapidly relieves itching and reduces the urge to scratch. The Skin Barrier TherapyTM patent prevents the adhesion of bacteria that irritate even the driest skin. For all the family (except prematures). For body and face. Excellent tolerance. Non-sticky, non-oily texture. Instant absorption. Unfragranced. Prescribed by dermatologists. Results proven by clinical studies. Implemented by the new European dermatology recommendations in the management of atopic eczema: "Emollient PLUS**" category.
The main causes of discomfort for those with very dry and irritated skin are itching and tightness. This dryness can result from a genetic predisposition and aggravating factors such as water, the use of unsuitable skin care products, the cold, temperature variations, and pollution. It is characterized by an altered skin barrier and the proliferation of bacteria which cause irritation and even secondary infections. When attacked, the skin becomes weaker and requires daily treatment.
Immediate results:
Soothes itching and irritation: Immediate skin relief for 95% of volunteers (1)
Lasting results:
Soothes itching: 9/10 people no longer scratch themselves (1)
No more flare-ups for 6 months for 76% of volunteers (2)
(1) Usage test on 20 volunteers aged 19 to 65, preferably with dry to very dry and sensitive/damaged skin, for 7 days.
(2) Clinical study carried out among 130 patients between 6 months and 15 years of age, with moderate atopic dermatitis, twice-daily for 6 months.
This product has been formulated according to the ecobiological approach of the NAOS Laboratories to take care of you. At the heart of this product :
Skin Barrier Therapy™:
Bacteria are naturally found on the skin's surface and are necessary for its balance. In the event of atopy-prone skin, excess levels of certain bacteria can cause its condition to worsen. This patented complex limits the adhesion of these bacteria to the skin's surface. This patent by NAOS Research was designed in Aix-en-Provence and developed in our laboratories.
The skin has a natural barrier function protecting it from the environment. In the event of dry, atopy-prone skin, this barrier lacks lipids and proteins and no longer plays its role. This technology helps restore an effective skin barrier. This technology by NAOS Research was designed in Aix-en-Provence and developed in our laboratories.
External stress can make the skin reactive and sensitive. This patented complex increases the skin's tolerance threshold – regardless of the skin type – to strengthen its resistance. This patent by NAOS Research was designed in Aix-en-Provence and developed in our laboratories.
The 3.6.9 method is a new method to systemize application. It has been developed in order to indicate the right dose of Atoderm Intensive baume to use, and then to create a routine and systematize application of the cream for better results in the long term and for a better observance.
Once or twice a day:
1. Clean your skin with Atoderm Huile de douche or Atoderm Intensive baume and dry gently.
2. Apply Atoderm Intensive Baume on your skin.
3. Gently massage until absorbed.
3 pumps for a BABY: 1 pump for face, neck and chest - 1 pump for both arms and back - 1 pump for both legs.
6 pumps for a CHILD: 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump for both arms - 1 pump per leg (x2).
9 pumps for an ADULT: 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump per arm (x2) - 2 pumps per leg (x2).
During eczema flare-ups, apply dermo corticosteroids in addition to the emollient (avoid the emollient on eczema lesions if itching is intense).
If skin dryness persists, consult a healthcare professional.
Recycling instructions:
Eco-design of our products: Every day, we work on the improvement of our products to minimise their environmental impact. Most of our products are made of 100% recyclable plastic and all our outer boxes are 100% recyclable and made of paper from sustainably managed forests. Sorting instructions: Please refer to local sorting instructions to recycle your product properly.
- Kategorie:Körpercreme
- Artikelnummer:2728-127-0075