
Cerē Reverie Starter Duo
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869 kr
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 €.

This soft, nonporous, medical grade silicone tool can be inserted rectally using lubricant to change the angle of your rectum. By proximity, changing your rectal angle can enhance the angle of the vaginal canal, giving way to new sensations you may never have experienced. This angle change, also known as making the vaginal slope more ‘steep,’ can make intercourse more enjoyable. This tool can also be used to experiment with safe anal solo intimacy.

Apply a generous amount of lubricant to the rectifier before insertion. Slowly and carefully, insert the rectifier, making sure the flared base remains outside of the rectum. After each use, clean the rectifier using antibacterial wipes or soap.

  • Kategorie:Analsex
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