HEVI Sugaring

varmer to Body Sugaring
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600 kr
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he heater maintains the perfect temperature during the entire sugaring treatment. To make your sugar wax treatment easy and fast, this heater is a great helper. The heater fits exactly to our organic sugar wax, which, unlike other wax products, pulls out the hairs in the direction of hair growth. It gives you a hair removal that is less painful and the end result, better and better looking. Sugar wax is especially good for you who need a gentle alternative to shaving, epilator or traditional wax.

Turn on the sugaring heater on 1-2 and wait approx. 45 minutes until the sugar wax has the right consistency and temperature (45-50 degrees). Follow the instructions for use. And always test the temperature before applying to the skin. The optimum temperature is 45-55 degrees Celsius. This means that the sugar wax is lukewarm. Use possibly an oven thermometer to check the temperature.


  • Kategorie:Waxing
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