L:a Bruket

254 Scented Candle Bastu 50 g
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165 kr.*

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50 g260 g
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Scented candle inspired by the "Bastu", Swedish for sauna, made of wax from organic soy with a burn time of more than 45 hours. Bastu is based on traditions deeply rooted in the Nordic culture. Through notes of burnt cedar and pine tar, a warm olfactory scene is revealed where warm bodies and hot steam merge with a hint of fresh birch leaves. At a crossroads between a moment of relaxation and a festive gathering, we meet to let go, in total equanimity. A tribute to traditions where body and mind, in the middle of nature, escape into an olfactory atmosphere impregnated with cedar wood, warmth and freshness.

Light the candle for shorter periods of time to maximise the scent and make it more long lasting. Cut the wick to a length of max 5 mm before lighting and relighting the candle. Make sure not to have candle lit for more than 2 hours at a time. The candle has a burn time of more than 45 hours.

260 g


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