

X7 Limitless Rotary Shaver
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1 299 kr*
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 €.
* Kann nicht mit Discount Codes kombiniert werden.

Experience the ultimate in shaving confidence with the Limitless X7 Rotary Shaver. The X7 has a 360° PivotBall which effortlessly moves across the contours of your face, maintaining constant skin contact to capture hair even in tricky areas. Individual Flexing Blades adapt to your unique face shape, shaving more stubble in fewer passes, and the Shave Comfort Rings help to reduce friction by up to 30%. PowerSense Technology responds to pressure to maintain the shaver’s speed for a consistently clean shave every time. For shaving freedom, confidence and comfort the Limitless X7 Rotary Shaver is your ideal grooming partner.

Product Features:
- Key Feature: 360° Pivot Ball
- Key Feature: Individual Flexing Blades
- Key Feature: Shave Comfort Rings
- Key Feature: PowerSense Technology
- Click-On Detail Trimmer
- OneClick head release
- 100% Waterproof
- 3 LED indicators
- Up to 60 mins. Runtime
- 90 mins. charge time
- Quick Charge
- USB Charging
- Turbo mode
- Travel pouch
- 2yr + 1 guarantee***

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