Merkur Solingen

Safety Razor 1904 42C
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359 kr
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Merkur 42C is a safety razor that blends classic craftsmanship with timeless style. Made from durable steel, this razor delivers consistent and reliable performance, a characteristic that has defined Merkur since Emil Hermes founded the company in the late 19th century.

The handle of the razor features a unique mix of design elements from different eras: it incorporates Art Deco-inspired details mixed with the classic diamond pattern first seen on Gillette's models from 1914. This multifaceted design provides a sense of both retro flair and timeless elegance.

For those looking to transition from modern multi-blade razors to a more traditional method of shaving, Merkur 42C offers an efficient yet skin-friendly shaving experience. It is designed to minimize the chances of skin irritation and ingrown hairs, making it ideal for those who want a quality yet gentle shave.

3-piece construction
Straight cut
Short handle
Chrome finish
Designed and manufactured in Germany

Weight: 34 g
Length: 81 mm
Width: 41 mm
Handle diameter: 13 mm

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