Sebastian Professional

No.Breaker Limited Edition 100 ml
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43,90 €
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 €.

Discover the Limited Edition Sebastian Professional No.Breaker designed in collaboration with artist Mira Mariah (GirlNewYork). The Sebastian x Mira Mariah collaboration is part of Sebastians 50th anniversary celebrations, where creative icon Mira has designed limited edition packaging on flagship products No.Breaker and Dark Oil. Sebastian Professional No.Breaker is a hybrid bonding and styling leave-in spray for all hair types. This anti-breakage serum is developed for those who love to experiment with their hair, but have experienced damage to the structure through the use of hot tools and chemicals. Formulated with 87% naturally derived ingredients, No.Breaker penetrates deep into the hair cuticle, creating new hair bonds within the hair fiber without compromising on volume. No.Breaker spray guarantees up to 99% less hair breakage* and provides up to 4 weeks of hair smoothness.

*vs low conditioning shampoo​

1. Shake the bottle well before use.
2. Spray evenly onto towel-dried hair from roots to ends from a distance of 15 cm. Do not rinse.
3. Glide by hand through the lengths to create flowing hair and texture.
4. Blow-dry and style as desired.
5. For best results, use 1x a week and combine with Potion 9 or Dark Oil line.

100 ml


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