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StrepsilsJordgubb Sugtablett 24 St.

35 zł
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Altersbeschränkung von 18 Jahren für den Kauf von nicht verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten.

Strepsils Strawberry is a sugar-free throat lozenge designed to soothe mild infections in the mouth and throat, like that pesky sore throat. With its antibacterial and antiviral properties, Strepsils Strawberry is your go-to for relief.

Sugar-free. Contains isomalt and maltitol.

For adults and kids aged 6 and up:
Let one lozenge slowly dissolve in your mouth every two to three hours as needed. Don’t exceed the recommended dose.

Contains isomalt and maltitol, which may have a mild laxative effect.

This lozenge is not suitable for small children due to choking hazards.

24 st
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