Skin health expertise alongside professional-grade products and skin treatments is in our DNA.
At Dermalogica we don’t just blur it or minimize it, we treat it. Achieving and maintaining your healthiest skin means using professional grade skin care everyday at home. Whether you prefer a minimalist approach with the cleansing and moisturizing basics or a more advanced regimen, we tailor your homecare regimen to your needs and preferences. Good skin care doesn’t need to be complicated!
At first, I wasn't sure how to use this product, but after reading information online, I managed to get the hang of it 🤪
The product is amazing! It comes in a powder form that we mix in our hands with a small amount of water to achieve a smooth consistency. The skin after use is incredibly smooth and pleasant to the touch. The peeling is so gentle that you can use it every day. The visibility of pores has decreased, and the face looks "clean".
I will definitely buy a large package 💪