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    DAVROEScalp Remedy Brush

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    175 kr
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    Stimulates the scalp to help promote blood circulation. Promotes healthy scalp. Removes impurities from the scalp, Removes residue and build-up of products. Can be used on wet and dry hair. How to use on wet hair: To use with shampoo to help clean scalp: wet hair and apply shampoo and lather, gently press the brush into the scalp and use brush with small circular motions to ensure no tangling. Use the pressure best suited for you. Rinse hair thoroughly. Alternatively, use with your favourite Davroe conditioner or treatment.

    How to use on dry hair:
    Use small circular motion on dry hair to help stimulate blood circulation.

    To care for your brush:
    Rinse brush thoroughly after each use to remove any product residue and leave to dry naturally.

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