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Brow Tint Diy Kit Black
3 Reviews
79,20 krOrd. price 99 kr20
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Brow Tint Kit

How to use:
- Clean brow area with makeup remover, preferebly without oil.

- Apply vaseline on the area around the brow. Avoid getting any on the hairs that are going to be colored.

- Mix 2 cm of colorcream with 5 drops of liquid in the mixingbowl. Use the included mixer to mix the product into a creamy texture.

- Apply the mixture on the brows with the included application brush. If youu spille, wash immidiately before it stains.

- Always do an allergytest before applying using the product.

Allergytest: Mix 1 cm color cream with 3 drops liquid. Apply small amound on a small are inside you armfold or behind your ear. Let sit for 48 hours. If you feel a burning sensation, swelling, irritation or redness remove the product and do not use the product.

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