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    âme pureCIT Body Roller

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    499 kr
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    Experience smooth and even skin that is free of scarring, stretch marks and cellulite with Europe’s best-selling at-home dermaroller. The âme pure® CIT Body Roller smooths the surface of the skin with micro-fine needles.
    This creates tiny invisible punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body’s healing process and immediately activates the production of a blast of collagen and elastin. The skin’s natural repair process helps abolish various types of imperfections that can affect body skin, such as cellulite, stretch marks and scars while also giving the skin a significant increase in strength, flexibility, firmness and tone.

    How to use:
    We recommend performing the rolling treatment with the CIT Body Roller during the evening 2-4 times per week every second week. You will have 1 week with rolling and 1 week without. For example, use the roller on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Then, take a 1-week break. Repeat until the 2-month course is completed. If you have sensitive skin, skip more days between rolling sessions, e.g. roll on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. Never perform the roller treatment 2 days in a row because the skin needs time to recover.

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