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    Airwrap express styling 💨

    Three minutes. I’m not joking. And if you have thinner and shorter hair, you’re down to half the time! 🤗 Now I’ve finally taken the time to film my BEST and FASTEST hack for the Dyson Airwrap (or similar product) and share it with you! I’m home and sick, and sometimes it’s boredom that’s needed to get yourself together 😉 This can be done as carefully as you want, but I want to show how little is required and how easy it is, and how nice it turns out, just by doing it a little "by feel" 💕I start with completely dry hair where I’ve then sprayed the lower half/third with a little water and then with Beat the heat by Lyko. Beat the heat provides heat protection but actually also a little hold. It’s also the product that makes the hair not grab QUITE as easily as it otherwise would in the video, so you have to help it a bit along the way. I start from the top and place a curl at the very top of the barrel. Then I fill from the bottom by wrapping new sections around while slowly pulling the airwrap down. I continue all the way to the nape and then do the same on the other side. I spray with a little texturizing spray and then it’s done. Yeah, it wasn’t really any harder than that, and one side takes me about a minute (thick hair) depending on how damp the hair is, and people at work think I’ve been fixing myself for half an hour 😄 You can improve it, roll higher up, further back, adjust according to time and desire 🤷‍♀️🥰 #Dyson #bylyko #rco #rcobleu

    Translated from swedish

    3 products in the look Airwrap express styling 💨
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