Azure Tan

Hydrating Watermelon Face Tan Spritz Medium
2 beoordelingen
12,37 €Oorspronkelijke prijs 16,50 €25
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Achieve a Glowing Complexion with Our Hydrating Watermelon Face Tan Spritz. Experience the Refreshing Power of Watermelon Water, infused with natural watermelon water that offers a wealth of benefits that will turn your face tan routine into a rejuvenating oasis.

The Power of Watermelon Water for Your Skin: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Hydration Boost: Watermelon water is a natural hydrator, infusing your skin with moisture to leave it feeling plump and refreshed.
Soothing Properties: Say goodbye to irritation and redness, as watermelon water soothes and calms your skin, making it perfect for sensitive complexions.
Antioxidant Richness: Watermelon water is an antioxidant powerhouse. Packed with lycopene and vitamin C, it provides your skin with an abundance of free-radical-fighting warrior

These antioxidants act as your first line of defence against environmental stressors, helping to shield your skin from premature ageing
Customise your glow Whether you desire a deep, dark tan or a subtle, sun-kissed glow, our mist puts the power in your hands For a sun-kissed glow 3-4 sprays, For a darker tan 5-6 sprays.

Cleanse and dry face prior to using. Gently close eyes and spray towards face and decolletage keeping the nozzle at least 15 cm/6 inches away from skin. Spray 3-4 times for a light glow, spray 5-6 times or more for a darker tan. Wait a few minutes to dry before applying any other skincare or makeup. The tan will start to develop from 1-6 hours.

100 ml


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