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- 4 maanden geleden
Echt slecht!
TOTAAL WAARDELOOS!! "made for tougher hair" is gewoon valse reclame... Heb meer dan de helft van de tube gebruikt en de instructies gevolgd + de crème was meer dan 10 minuten op, maar ondanks dat ben ik net zo harig als een Koerd, het enige verschil is nu dat ik een paar haarloze plekken heb..... Hou me bij het scheermes. Niet alleen dat, het ruikt naar STRONT en de geur blijft hangen ondanks douchen.... Koop nooit meer, slechtste 80 euro van mijn leven.Vertaald uit het zweeds
220 keer bekeken- Lyko's klantenservice4 maanden geledenHallå Michelle 🤗 Oh, het was echt gek dat dit product helemaal niet werkte zoals gewenst. De scheermes is toch een klassieker die zowel nat als droog werkt! Bedankt dat je je ervaring met dit product deelt 🤩
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VeetHair Removal Cream Normal 200 ml
Say goodbye to stubbly, prickly legs! Veet's 3-minute hair removal cream is all you need to become silky smooth and soft!
Veet's cream dissolves the hair rather than cutting it, which means that unwanted hair growth takes longer to return compared to shaving. You also won't have to experience that "stubbly" sensation when the hair grows back. In addition, the gentle formula makes your skin silky soft and smooth.
Read the instructions carefully before using the product.
1. Apply the cream directly to the skin with the curved part of the spatula, spreading the cream evenly so that the hair is completely covered.
2. Leave the cream on the skin for 3 minutes, use a clock to keep track of time. Then try gently with the spatula on a small area. If the hair comes off easily, remove the rest of the cream with the spatula. For easily accessible areas such as legs and arms, use the wide side of the spatula. For more curved areas such as the bikini line, armpits, knees, and ankles, use the narrower side.
If the hair does not come off, let the cream work a little longer WITHOUT EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM TIME OF 6 MINUTES.
3. Rinse the skin thoroughly with water after use and dry the skin.
Read all safety instructions and the instructions for use before using the product and follow them. Do not leave the cream on for more than a total of 6 minutes.
Not suitable for use: on the head, in the face, in the eyes, on the nose, ears, around the anus, genitals, and nipples or other parts of the body other than the specified areas in the description. Do not use on varicose veins, scars, moles, acne-prone, damaged, irritated, sunburned skin, or skin that has previously reacted to hair removal creams.
Always allow 72 hours between hair removals. Consult your doctor before using the product if you are taking medications that may affect the skin, if you suffer from a skin condition or a condition that may affect the skin.
Before each use, TEST THE SKIN REACTION by applying the product to a small area you want to treat and then removing it, according to the instructions for use.
Storage instructions
Hair removal cream, 200 ml
1 "Perfect Touch" spatula.
- Categorie:Waxen
- Artikelnummer:1322-108-0200