Bobbi Brown

Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint Spf15 Rich 3
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45 €*UVP 49 €
Kostenloser Versand ab 25 €.

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* Kann nicht mit Discount Codes kombiniert werden.

A 2-in-1 skin tint that moisturizes while delivering fresh, natural-looking coverage that’s skin-true—and more you.

What it does:
- Helps nourish skin with a blend of Vitamins B, C, and E
- Helps strengthen skin’s barrier with Pro-Vitamin D and Cactus Flower
- Sheer coverage adapts to a wide range of skin tones with Pigment-Flex Technology
- Stays color-true for 12 hours of non-fading, non-creasing, non-settling, sweat and humidity-resistant wear
- Helps prevent UVA and UVB rays from damaging skin with SPF 15

Why is my Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint pilling?
Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint is an incredibly hydrating formula made with skin-caring ingredients and is meant to be used sparingly as a thin veil of just right coverage. With hydrating and good for skin ingredients, it can take longer for nourishing ingredients to "set". We recommend squeezing a pea size amount and working section by section on the face, blending quickly.

A make-up artist tip is to use clean fingers to quickly create smooth and sheer coverage.

Use fingers or a foundation brush to blend product onto skin, starting at the center of the face. After product is applied evenly, use the warmth of fingers to melt the product into skin.

Why is my Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint pilling?
Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint is an incredibly hydrating formula made with skin-caring ingredients and is meant to be used sparingly as a thin veil of just right coverage. With hydrating and good for skin ingredients, it can take longer for nourishing ingredients to "set". We recommend squeezing a pea size amount and working section by section on the face, blending quickly.

A make-up artist tip is to use clean fingers to quickly create smooth and sheer coverage.

50 ml


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